The Divorcèe Chronicles:Diary of a Divorcèe Diva
ISBN-13: 9780615607382
Mikayla Summers began her life as nothing less than blessed and highly favored. But, the enemy was stalking about and seeking to destroy the storybook future that she had always dreamed of. Born to a wealthy farm girl and a handsome city boy who were college sweethearts and who both loved the Lord, how did she end up a child of divorce and divorced herself from not just one, but two alcoholics? She petitions God to give her the answer and restore that perfect scenario she started out with, but her trials were only beginning and the faith instilled in her heart was about to be put to the ultimate test.
"This book is a must read for all women and men for that matter of fact. It is a real look into the perils of marriage and divorce, but it allows you to see the power and love of God that is present to help you through any situation or circumstance, even the struggles that we all face!"
5-Star Amazon Customer Review​
Featured in
Southern Writers

Single Mama Dating Drama (An AALBC #1 Bestselling Book)
ISBN-13: 978-1944359362
Single Mama dating! It doesn't get anymore complicated than that. How can you find love when you have a career and kids? Where can you find that love connection? Is he on-line, in church, standing in front of the grapefruit in the grocery store? In these hilarious and heart-warming stories, you'll find single moms finding love in the most interesting of places, all while steering clear of the crazies, the lazies and definitely, the shadies.
Look for Born Again Virgin by Michelle Lynn Stephens, where some unholy choices lead to holy drama on a divorcee's quest for ever-elusive peace of mind, among this collection of works from seventeen dynamic writers presented by Brown Girls Books!

Straight from a Diva's Heart: Volume One
Composed of audience favorites from Michelle's various appearances, this poetic trio was made to comfort the brokenhearted.
"Amazing talent!!"
-Barbara Joe Williams
Editor-in-Chief, Book Cover Magazine

Straight from a Diva's Heart: Volume Two
Selected from Michelle's beloved spoken word performances, these words are all about peace, love and how to be free to give and receive love according to God's example. Another delightful trio of works, coming to you straight from a diva's heart!
"You are truly anointed by God!"
-Denise M. Walker
Founder, Hope-in-Christ Book Club

Straight from a Diva's Heart: Volume Three
After surviving a bad relationship or losing a loved one, there is still hope for the future. This poetic trio brings a few words to ease your journey of moving on. Wishing you strength, courage and wisdom, straight from a diva's heart!